Sell Wedding Rings Online
You need a very reliable buyer if you have plans to sell a wedding ring or a wedding ring set. reDollar is definitely the best place to do so. We are a very reliable dotcom FinTech startup company with millions of dollars ready to buy rings and any kind of assets. We fight against the bad reputation of gold buyers, pawn shop and other buyers to proof that doing business fair and to the benefit of a seller is possible. Try it – you’ll love our easy and beneficial way to sell wedding rings.
Sell Wedding Rings & Sets Online
Wedding rings – what an exciting topic! Wedding rings are by far more than just a piece of jewelry – they are piece of history and associated with lots of memories. If you plan to sell a wedding ring made of gold, palladium or platinum, you need a buyer who is able to understand the complexity of dealing with wedding rings. Furthermore a reliable buyer has to serve you with the needed sense of dealing with very personal jewelry, considering your personal circumstances.
When you probably plan to sell, it’s not all about melting down a wedding ring for fast cash. Wedding rings may come with mounted diamonds, gemstones or sometimes even with pearls. A sensitive buyer like our company will ask you how to proceed with gems. It’s an easy job for an experienced dealer to dismantle your wedding ring to keep the gems for you. Well, many people plan to sell a wedding ring as it is. They don’t care about stones or what happens to the ring. They just want to get rid of unwanted memories.
Anyway, it’s up to the buyer to communicate with you the best way of selling. goes that way with you. We discuss with you the way of selling. It’s fine for us if you want to keep the stones of a wedding ring you plan to sell, and it’s also fine if you sell the ring as one piece without taking care about what happens further to it. Consider that a wedding ring in one piece can often sell for more money than a dismantled one. Get started online if you look for an honest buyer for your wedding rings made of gold. We offer the best service and the highest prices plus the guarantee that we unlock every hidden value of your wedding rings.
Sell Any Wedding Rings With Us is always the best choice when it comes to sell wedding rings. Usually, buyers don’t like to share their purchase price philosophy with the public. Not so reDollar. Because we pay the highest possible price for wedding rings, we can easily share the prices we pay for your assets.
Value Example Diamond Wedding Ring
We love diamonds and gemstones thus we are able to offer you very high prices for diamond wedding rings. This wedding ring, totaling 2.25 carats in diamonds, VS1, made of platinum can sell for a very high price.
Sell for up to $2,000
Value Example – Designer Wedding Ring
reDollar is extremely familiar with designer rings. We know all contemporary and important brands and designer. Our experts have access to a vast collection of literature to compare your rings for authentication.
Sell this ring for up to $450
Sell Wedding Rings Better Online
And remember, it’s very easy to sell wedding rings online. Get your wedding rings packed and ship to receive your money as fast as possible. We can get you a free shipping kit if you don’t have shipping materials available. The kit contains everything for secure and insured shipping.
Value Example Scrap or Plain Wedding Ring
Damaged or mismatched wedding rings are still valuable and easy to sell. Don’t forget that every ring has a material value and your should get paid at least 90% of its value. We get you paid up to 95% of the material value.
Sell a 12g/ 18K gold ring for $803.11
Value Example Gemstone Wedding Ring is know as a very reliable gemstone buyer and dealer. Besides loose gemstones, we also buy your gemstone wedding rings for very high prices. No gem is too small or too big for our experts,
Sell this ring for up to $1,250
Knowledge about Wedding Ring Materials
Gold is the most important metal for producing wedding rings and used all over the world. In the United States, 14K gold wedding rings and 18K gold wedding rings are most popular. In times when the supply of gold was short, 10K gold rings were produced as well. This happened when the economy was doing bad or during the gold prohibition under President Roosevelt in 1933.
If you look at our photo, you’ll see a standard wedding ring made of 18K yellow gold. Do give you an idea what’s in this ring we placed the exactly used portion of gold, silver and copper besides this ring.
Platinum is a very fine metal and besides its glamorous reputation, there are convincing facts about using platinum instead of gold. If you wear a gold ring for many – really many – years you’ll face a loss of material and your ring can get thinner. We doubt if it’s visible to the naked eye but using a scale or a caliper can prove the loss of gold. If you use platinum, you are really never faced to a loss of material and thanks to the hardness of platinum, mounted gemstones are sitting perfectly stable in your ring.
Palladium can be used to create white gold rings by adding a certain portion of the metal to pure gold to turn the yellow color of gold to a white color. Palladium is also used alone to create .950 palladium wedding rings which are seldom to find but nevertheless available in the US.
Silver is not very common to be used for wedding rings although it’s important because silver is almost resistant against corrosion in contrast to steel. For people with a very limited budget, silver made wedding rings are an affordable alternative to gold or platinum.
Historical Information about Wedding Rings
Wedding rings have a very long history symbolizing everlastingness and constancy. Even the old Egyptians and the Romans wore wedding rings on their left-hand ring finger. Interesting to know is that it was believed that a vein located at the left-hand’s ring finger was directly connected with the heart. It was called after the Latin term “vena amoris” what means literally “love vein”.
In the Ancient Rome, only women worn wedding rings usually made of steel as a symbol for strong bond and for a visible proof that marriage portion was received.
Till nowadays, wearing the wedding ring on the left-hand’s ring finger is a common practice and because of that this tradition is one of the oldest rites know.
Maria, our wedding ring expert
Maria is our head of jewelry and working with our other experts and assistants on your wedding rings. You can also ask Maria a question like other reDollar customers did.
Helpful information
A wedding ring is more than just a ring and a symbol
Our jewelry expert Maria has a special preference for wedding rings. She likes to say “Rings can Talk” and handles every ring on her laboratory table with special respect and dignity. Every single wedding ring is bearing a message and keeping personal secrets. A wedding ring loaded with huge diamonds could be originally owned from a pretentious person but also from somebody giving this rings to a person he or she is in such a crazy love that even the biggest gem is even too small. An unflashy wedding ring could mean both, that someone finds its wedding not important but also that its owner wants to keep a big love as a secret.
For you as a prospective wedding ring seller it might be important to know that with reDollar you found a wedding ring buyer handling your ring with respect and dignity without doing just “another job” of thousands of selling transactions. Let us know if you have special needs or concerns and we are able to combine both, a nice amount of money paid to you and a sensitive transaction closed.
Maria wants to share some very special wedding rings with you
Maria’s 1. Choice
Maria’s 2. Choice
Maria’s 3. Choice
Maria’s 4. Choice
Top 5 Stories about “How people got rid of their wedding ring”
We are in business for a very long time and we know some really crazy stories about people getting rid of their wedding ring. A divorce is a really bad thing and often accompanied of months or even years of broken family ties. And when bad things happened, many people are about to do bad things to come over the emotional pain. We collected the 5 craziest stories about how people got rid of their wedding ring instead of selling it.
Do you know a crazy story about how somebody got rid of a wedding ring? You could get a gift card for a store you like. Just send us your story to our email.
The divorced lady we are talking about took her friends to Niagara Falls fort wild partying. Already at home, the plan was made to dump the wedding ring into the Niagara Falls. We heard that it’s a common practice to sink rings from an ex into the Niagara River or into Lake Erie or when located in Canada Lake Ontario. How many millions of dollars in gold rings are hidden in those river beads?
The lady we are now telling you about was not yet divorced when the event of “getting rid of a wedding ring” took place. After a business dinner in Las Vegas, we were told, the lady spontaneously decided to file divorce. To celebrate the decision, she threw her wedding ring into the Fountains of Bellagio cheering here decision. In that case, “what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” is not true.
A heartbroken lady from Florida went to the Everglades seeking loneliness for making a decision if she was able to forgive here cheating husband. The decision to dump her wedding ring into a group of Alligators proved she couldn’t.
It really happened anywhere in Nevada when a lady sold here wedding ring at night at a 24 hour pawn shop window to take the money for paying a stripper she and her friends enjoyed. We assume she got paid a really bad price – but that’s a different story. If it brought here joy and relief for a certain time, it was probably worth to do so.
This story we were told happened in Colorado. A young student lady from Colorado school of mines was working for a mining operation where she asked the blaster if she could put her wedding ring from her cheating husband into a blast hole. Guess what happened! She blasted the wedding ring with a nice load of TNT.
Don’t blast, dump, sink or shoot at your ring! Better sell your wedding ring!
We can understand that blasting, dumping or even sinking a wedding ring can make you feel good. But better than that feeling is the feeling to get cash for it. And even when you don’t like to get THAT cash from THAT ring, you could do something beneficial with it. You can donate the money for people or animals in need what is better than dumping your wedding ring.
Sell wedding ring sets: personal ones, inherited ones or collected ones
For the majority of the Americans a wedding ring set is much more than just jewelry, they are a symbol of love and faithfulness. Consider that approx. 2.5 million weddings get celebrated every year. Historians estimated that over 200 million wedding rings got sold in the 20th century. But sadly, approx. 50% of all marriages fail. Within the last 5 years over 5 million people got divorced and at least 1/3 of these guys plan to sell their unwanted wedding ring. Regarding to this estimation, approx. 350,000 wedding rings are traded in the US every year. That’s over 1,000 every day! If you are one of these guys planning to sell a wedding ring, you should gain some knowledge before you get rid of your precious-memories. It’s very important to know that wedding rings can be very valuable. Especially, women’s rings can be extremely valuable due to mounted diamonds. The risk comes with widespread ignorance. If you have no clue about the value, you have no chance to recognize if an offer is good or bad. is a very reliable buyer of jewelry and the right place to sell wedding rings. We have a very good communication with our customers, explaining how the value of a wedding ring will be calculated. We provide understandable information for all clients – even for those without any knowledge.
But not only wedding rings of divorces, enter the selling market. Think about collected wedding rings or inherited wedding rings. Especially inherited wedding rings are often offered for selling. Over the decades, people lose their sentiment towards passed by relatives. And suddenly the once beloved wedding ring enters the jewelry-market. Generally, it’s always the same process of selling wedding rings from different sources: our experts check the designer, the brand, the precious metals, the workmanship, the gemstones and the shape. Based on that information, we create a proper purchase offer for you.
Sell wedding ring sets and collections
Some people collect wedding rings or even sets. But not just some wedding rings – wedding rings with the ability to fit in an interesting collection. A wedding ring from a politician, celebrity or an industrialist can reflect an extreme value. Imagine how much a wedding ring of Truman Capote, Agatha Christie, Jimmy Carter, Ernest Hemingway or Henry Ford is worth! But not only wedding rings from very famous people, are interesting for a collection. Think about your hometown. Wedding rings from local celebrities like former majors, businessmen or sportsman can fit perfectly in a nice collection. Every now and then, such collections come up for selling. Watch out, if you inherited a collection of wedding rings and you plan to sell it! You need a buyer with the ability to identify wedding rings belonging to famous people or other interesting proveniences. employs very experienced appraisers working in groups to unlock the true value of your pieces. That’s very important for you. Only knowledge can raise the proceeds of your sale. – The Demolition Guarantee
We can understand that you may don’t want to see other people wearing your former wedding ring. If you sell wedding rings with us, we can provide you with a demolition guarantee. Just let us know if you would like to use this special service – for free – to get rid of your wedding ring or wedding ring set. You get a certification and the certainty that your wedding ring got melted. Consider that you can only get paid the material value for a destroyed wedding ring.
We remove diamonds and gemstones before
Before we destroy a wedding ring set, we remove mounted gemstones and diamonds. You can either get the stones shipped back to your or you can get paid for it as well. It’s your choice how you would like to sell your wedding ring.
We remove engravings if you sell designer wedding rings with us
If you sell wedding rings with personal engravings like dates or statements it’s good for you to know that always removes all kinds of engravings. We only keep hallmarks required by law. All other personal engravings get removed to keep your privacy. That’s most important if you own a very nice designer ring you shouldn’t destroy because of its value. Designer wedding rings or wedding rings made from well-known brands can sell for a lot more than only the material value. We do everything to prepare your former wedding ring for resale. Very often, resale comes with remodeling work on your ring. It’s hard to imagine but with help of excellent craftsmanship your wedding ring can turn into a new piece of jewelry.
We convinced you to sell your wedding ring set online?
Once again, please consider that the majority of jewelry buying companies look for a good deal and are only waiting for unaware customers selling wedding rings made of gold or platinum for a low price. Beware of our competitors and better trust – we really offer very high purchase prices with an outstanding customer service. We also offer top quotes for other jewelry made of gold and platinum. Our payout calculation is based on the real marked price for gold and platinum and also based on prices for diamonds and gemstones. Even small diamonds can sell for big money with us. And if you look for selling huge gemstones, expect best payout amounts too. We don´t bargain down the value or we don’t badmouth your assets to make a high profit because we are interested in building a very long and satisfied customer relationship with you. Hurry and start now to sell your wedding rings.
Sell wedding rings made of gold or platinum online
It’s really easy, self-explaining and convenient: just choose a way of shipping your wedding rings to our company and start the selling process online. You can ship your rings on your own or by scheduling a free collection. Alternatively you can also order a free selling pack including full coverage. After your wedding rings have arrived, our experts start the evaluation process. This process just takes a couple of hours and we can tell you the exact payout amount on the same day. Just agree to our offer and get paid instantly. We offer a direct deposit to your bank account, a fast PayPal payment, Cashier´s check or a standard check payment. Take a tour through our calculator to estimate the value of your gold and your diamonds.