Sell Melted Silver
Sell Melted Silver
Goldsmiths and silversmiths have regularly melted silver to sell but very often selling for a very good price is not that easy. is the solution for you because we offer very high prices for silver. For commercial clients, we even offer 95% of the current silver price – also for melted silver or scrap silver. We buy melted silver from individuals and from commercial clients!
Do you know our amazing purchase prices?
Individuals: sell .925 silver for $28.38 per ounce
Commercial clients: sell .925 silver for $29.96 per ounce
Did you know that some of our customers where even auctioning their melted silver or scrap silver because they couldn’t find a buyer offering a great deal? Especially, when you plan to sell melted silver in a negligible quantity many buyers just offer bad deals. We refuse those practices. We always offer the highest possible price even when you just sell an ounce of silver. Both, small and big quantities of melted silver deserve an amazing price and we also see it as our obligation to support small businesses with fair quotes.
The perfect place to sell melted silver
reDollar is not the usual, common buyer of precious metals. We are an extremely well-funded FinTech company attacking the outdated buying industry with best deals and the very best customer service. We are not operating from an ill-kempt store and we don’t employ any unskilled or unfriendly people. We run a high-tech laboratory where we use latest X-Ray machines, density analyzers and ultrasonic systems to ensure the highest standards of precious metal analyzing. Sell your melted silver to our company and receive all the benefits of a modern, fast working ecommerce company.
Sell melted silver, scrap silver, granules etc.
We do accept any kind of silver: melted silver, granules, scrap silver, silver jewelry, silver coins, silver rounds and any silver remains from your business. We are happy to buy small quantities as well as big amounts of silver.
There are even more benefits for you!
As our customer, you can even get more benefits. For example, we provide you free X-ray reports for silver items and other precious metals you DON’T want to sell. We also provide educational materials about testing silver and identifying falsified coins and ingots. With us, you get a very experienced partner supporting your daily business. Together we are stronger and more successful. Sell melted silver to us – and when you start today – you can get paid within 48 hours.
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Sell Melted .900 Silver
Metal: silver
Purity: .900
Value: $30.65 per oz
Sell Melted .925 Silver
Metal: silver
Purity: .925
Value: $30.65 per oz
Sell Melted .950 Silver
Metal: silver
Purity: .950
Value: $32.35 per oz
Sell Melted .999 Silver
Metal: silver
Purity: .999
Value: $34.02 per oz
Sell melted silver and benefit from highest evaluation standards
As you learned before we are using the latest available equipment for precious metal assessment. It was our company’s goal to evaluate any kind of silver, gold, platinum or palladium at the fastest possible way with 100% accuracy. We are also willing to share our experiences with you that you can get even better if you also buy or trade silver.
If you sell melted silver with us, we first perform an X-Ray analysis and a density determination. If it’s certain that you provided us homogenous material, we instantly send you our first analysis report including our purchase offer. If your melted materials are not homogenous, we ask for your consent to perform another melting. Melting is always free. We don’t charge you for that. After getting a homogenous bar, we instantly send you our analysis report with our binding purchase offer. It’s than up to you to either sell your melted silver or to claim it back.
All steps are recorded and we don’t belong to those kind of unreliable companies running scam with your silver. We report every X-Ray results and at any time we can share our records with you. You’ll get the best possible service if you sell melted silver with us. Guaranteed! Test our services just with a small amount of silver to get us know and compare our prices and processing times.
Quote Box Silver per Gram
Prices for Individuals
80.00% silver: $0.79 per gram
85.00% silver: $0.84 per gram
90.00% silver: $0.89 per gram
92.50% silver: $0.91 per gram
95.00% silver: $0.94 per gram
99.99% silver: $0.99 per gram
Prices for Commercial Clients
80.00% silver: $0.83 per gram
85.00% silver: $0.89 per gram
90.00% silver: $0.94 per gram
92.50% silver: $0.96 per gram
95.00% silver: $0.99 per gram
99.99% silver: $1.04 per gram
Quote Box Silver per Pennyweight
Prices for Individuals
80.00% silver: $1.22 per dwt.
85.00% silver: $1.30 per dwt.
90.00% silver: $1.38 per dwt.
92.50% silver: $1.41 per dwt.
95.00% silver: $1.45 per dwt.
99.99% silver: $1.53 per dwt.
Prices for Commercial Clients
80.00% silver: $1.29 per dwt.
85.00% silver: $1.37 per dwt.
90.00% silver: $1.45 per dwt.
92.50% silver: $1.49 per dwt.
95.00% silver: $1.53 per dwt.
99.99% silver: $1.61 per dwt.
Questions About Silver
Katie from San Francisco asked: How much is sterling silver worth?
Logan from Las Vegas asked: How much is silver flatware worth?
Nina from Portland asked: How much is a gram of silver worth?
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