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What is the current gold price?

Alan, reDollar expert answered

Folks ask our experts every day “What is the current gold price?” because many people don’t even know that gold is a commodity and traded at the stock exchange. Usually, people asking for the current gold price either plan to buy gold or plan to sell gold. For both scenarios, knowing the gold price is important to understand if the offered gold is priced fair or if the gold offered to a buyer gets paid proper.

Gold Price Per Ounce


Gold Price Per Pennyweight


Gold Price Per Gram


You can just leave this page open because the published gold prices will change automatically every other 10, 20 or 30 seconds while gold gets traded. On weekends, you’ll see the closing gold price published.

What affects the current gold price?

Folks from all religions and cultures admire the metal GOLD like a god on earth. After thousands of years even recovered from pharaoh’s tomb, gold shines and shimmers like new – it remains unchanged in its appearance for eternity. And this is what humans fascinates so much about the precious metals since thousands of years and probably for as long as live on earth exists.

The specifications of gold have a doubtless factor on the current gold price because gold is always trendy and sought after individuals and commercial investors. Gold brings security in unstable times and prevents folks from a total loss of their savings, if it comes to the worst case like a big depression or even a global wore. For those who own gold or about to acquire gold, gold brings joy and satisfaction. Owning gold makes people feel good, even when it’s only a gold ring or small gold bars. All this factors together have a big impact on the gold price.

But it’s not only the gold processed in jewelry, coins and bars what influences the price. Various industries are hungry after the yellow-colored precious metal what affects the price depending on the demand and supply. But also reserve banks, dental laboratories or technology companies consume an important part of its annual production.

Again, what is the current gold price?

Gold Price Per Ounce


You want to know more?

Individuals, students, investors and all other folks are invited to address their questions to our exerts. We are happy to talk about the current gold price with you.

    reDollar expert, AlanAlan follows the current gold price like no other reDollar expert because he is even responsible to trade our gold for a good price. He is very good at chart analysis and follows the latest news – almost live. We have simultaneously two news channels running what makes it possible to react really quickly to events causing an impact on the current gold price.

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