Cash for Silver
It was a great choice to click – the best Cash for Silver Company with the highest purchase prices you can imagine. We are more beneficial than online auctions and other ways to cash your silver. You’ll get the most money if you sell with our company. We pay the most cash for scrap silver and we pay even more if you sell antique silver or rare silver with us. We promise.
.999 silver | Sell for $32.06 per troy ounce |
.999 silver | Sell for $1.60 per dwt |
.925 silver | Sell for $26.56 per troy ounce |
.925 silver | Sell for $1.32 per dwt |
Cash for Silver for Individuals & Commercials
Commercials please check our fantastic prices published on our refining page. Individuals please get started here. It takes only 1 minute to make the first step to get cash. is designed to provide two ways to cash your silver. You can either just get started without getting more educated or you can learn more about silver by reading our provided information. It’s up to you and both ways lead to the highest prices paid for your silver.
Get the best Selling Support is not a next-door silver buyer with dubious business morals – NO – we are organized like a bank working like bankers recovering the tiniest pieces of silver, good to cash out. A single silver chain, a fancy Tiffany tray or a load of scrap gold – we appreciate and welcome any kind and quantities of silver in our laboratory.
Alan is the manager of our precious metals department and ready to supervise the evaluation of the silver you mail in to our company. He personally ensures that you’ll get the most cash for your silver.
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Cash for Silver – Buyers are different
Although silver is the most abundant precious metal of all noble metals in nature and so far the least expensive one, it’s an amazing metal and worth to treat it very respectful and with most possible attention. Silver can be found 20 times more often as gold and about as much as the total of all platinum group metals (platinum, palladium, ruthenium, rhodium, osmium ad iridium). Some of the world’s biggest treasures were made of silver and can be admired visiting the American Museum of Natural History or the Smithsonian Institution. Probably, you own a little silver treasure without knowing it? American treasures like bracelets, rings or other items made of silver dollars from the Northwest coast or stunning silver pieces made from famous silversmiths with hard to identify hallmarks are more often present than you probably think. Don’t give your silver careless away to an unskilled buyer. Pass your silver to a buyer with educated experts – your silver deserves it and so does your bank account by getting paid a fair amount of money.
Do show you the possible difference between reDollar and other silver buyers, we listed four examples of silver commonly provided for selling. Usually, silver buyers pay between 35% and 60% of its real material value for scrap silver while reDollar pays at least 85% of its real value. Plus, we compare your possible net proceeds and costs with auctions. We are very certain, that you understand soon that reDollar is the best place to get cash for silver.
This mixture of old .925 silver rings weighs 225 grams
Real material value | $225.83 |
Sell with reDollar | $192.15 |
Sell with other buyers | $113.03 |
The .925 silver spoons and the can weigh 365 gram
Real material value | $366.35 |
Sell with reDollar | $311.71 |
Sell with other buyers | $183.36 |
This 18 silver eagles weigh 559.80 grams (18 troy ounces)
Real material value | $606.82 |
Sell with reDollar | $577.06 |
Sell with other buyers | $425.20 |
This nice antique silver lot is a mixture of .925 and .999 silver
Real material value | $2216.29 |
Sell with reDollar | $1885.73 |
Sell with other buyers | $1399.76 |
Some facts about silver and its importance for the US
While Gold occurs predominantly natively as nuggets, flakes or fine colloidal particles, silver rarely occurs natively. Silver can be found natively as “silver-wires” what is from great collector’s interest but really seldom. Usually, silver is mined from silver-bearing minerals such as acanthite, Cerargyrite, pyrite, galena, prousite, pyrargyrite, stephanite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, polybasite or calaverite or as a by-product from copper and gold mining.
Very interesting to know is that silver was still used as a monetary instrument 4500 BC in Babylon. The usage of silver reached its first peak 2000 BC in Greece where it was used to create coins, jewelry, articles of daily use, and any kind of decorative items. At that time, still, almost all important techniques to process silver were known and performed to craft what we understand as the world’s treasures today.
Silver is a brilliant white metal and except that it reacts with hydrogen sulfide leading to tarnishing it is resistant to oxidation. Thanks to its very beneficial specifications and to the fact that silver is besides gold a medium of exchange, it was responsible for a rapid upsurge in silver mining the United States. Large and rich silver deposits were found from Nevada to Colorado. Beginning with the discovery of America and the exploitation of silver deposits, silver became more and more important for our founding fathers. The possession of silver was both a status symbol and provision for bad economic times. Frankly, Americans were crazy about silver and realizing that a decorative item brings more joy they started to melt down silver coins for crafting useable things like jewelry, trays, vases, candlesticks and other items. Silversmiths shut down their stores for travelling through the countryside for doing occasional jobs at farms turning coins into items for daily use.
You probably own a silver piece of the founding period what could be very important for collectors and very beneficial for your wallet. We are using x-ray technologies to determine the compound of your silver items making it possible to draw conclusions about the source. We then compare the gathered information with other indicators like hallmarks, stamps or engravings to refer to a provenience. Consider reDollar as your first choice if you need a cash for silver company to turn your silver back to money.
What is sterling silver?
Sterling silver is the most important silver alloy in the United States and compound of 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% copper. Adding copper for creating “sterling silver” makes a work-piece harder and more persistent than if it was made of pure silver. That’s not a drawback for selling because nevertheless sterling silver is a high-graded silver alloy trusted and used since hundreds of years. Around 1300, the “Lion Head Hallmark” got in England established to mark sterling silver for its high standard and for making it’s purity transparent to buyers.
Expert Knowledge – Sterling Silver Assay
For a sterling silver assay it’s assumed until proven as false that the specimen compounds of 92.5% silver and 7.5% copper. Sterling silver can be assayed using a method called “Silver Assay by Titration” which can be performed in a basically equipped lab. A known portion of .925 scrap silver is placed in a test tube dissolved in nitric acid (HNO3). In the next step adding a known amount of sodium chloride salt solution is needed to precipitate out 92.3% silver as insoluble silver chloride, that is, just enough salt solution is added to leave 0.2% silver in solution. After the precipitate settles, another but small amount of NaCl solution is added to the clear liquid above the precipitate. Provided further precipitation of silver chloride is observed, the remaining 0.2% argentum is now precipitated out, it can be assumed that the original portion of scrap contained at least 92.5% pure silver.
Historical Silver Facts
First American Silver: The first Pilgrim Fathers reached New England in 1620 starting the first gold and silversmith operations in Boston. Moreover, Dutch influenced silver was first created in New Amsterdam (New York) at that time. In 1690, first gold and silversmiths settled in Philadelphia.
American classicism silver: under French influence, created between 1815 and 1840 (empire style).
Sad Fact: during the North American civil war between 1861 and 1865, most silver from the South was destroyed what makes silver extant from that time very interesting and rare.
Get Cash for Silver Online
“Cash for Silver” is one of the most searched phrases online. But a quick fact-check reveals why people search for selling options. About 25% of available silver is used for jewelry, about 5% is used for coins and about 7% is used for investment products like ingots or bars equaling a tremendous amount of silver available for selling and trading.
Sellers deserve a very high price
Our manager, Alan Jensen, used to say that “silver of any kind almost equals cash” because silver is a commodity traded at the Comex and other stock exchange making it possible to request an official price anytime. From our prospective, it doesn’t make a difference if we handle silver coins, silver jewelry or even silver cutlery or flatware. Any merchandise representing a significant portion of silver is worth to be considered a means of exchange. Nobody would exchange foreign currencies for a bad quote so why should you do so with silver? Just because it’s tarnished or looking like an item made for daily use and not appearing as a bill? Don’t fool yourself by your silver’s appearance.
Get started online to get cash for your silver
Getting cash for silver is so easy. You can either start using our silver calculator to calculate how much your scrap silver is worth or you order a selling kit for your most convenience. The kit contains everything you’ll need to sell silver with us: selling instructions, an envelope with a pre-installed shipping label, a second shipping label for using your own packaging, selling instructions and sorting envelopes. Count on a “fast like hell” payment of your choice paid at the same day when your items arrived in our lab and you agreed to our offer.
Get Instantly Cash – No Bank Account Needed is first very aware about protecting your data and second about what kind of payment your personal situation requires. Following all regulations about money laundering we are nevertheless able to provide you with very discreet ways to get paid. Besides a check and a normal wire transfer we can offer you Paypal payments and also money orders equaling cash. You can cash a money order without a holding period at many places what is very beneficial if you either don’t want to use your bank account or if you have limited accesses banking access.
Get your silver ready to cash out
Ship your silver fully insured with USPS, UPS or Fedex
Agree to our offer and get paid within 24 hours
The Cash for Silver – The Evaluation Process
The first step after your silver arrived in our laboratory is the sorting process done depending on the items by mostly two experts. We do a first sorting to differ between scrap silver, jewelry, coins and antique or very valuable silver because we have various departments working on your provided assets. I professional organized company like ours employs different experts in charge for a perfect and satisfying selling process. Your silver coins end up on Alex Fordham’s lab table while rare silver gets checked from Brian Miller.
About 2/3 of all silver items arriving in our facility are considered as scrap silver. Do fulfill the expectations of both, individuals and commercial clients, we are perfectly prepared for all selling circumstances. A fistful of silver rings can be evaluated as fast as a big scrap silver lot provided from a small-business customer.
reDollar is able to perform touchstone testing, density measurement, X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, fire assay, atomic absorption spectroscopy and even iodine and dichromate tests. We are able to reveal both, faked silver compounds and counterfeited silver markings. Much more abilities than operating a modern X-ray system are required to do a great job. Only perfectly skilled experts are able to find “THAT” interesting piece of silver in your provided lot. Our Expert Brian Miller, for example, is very familiar with European and especially British silver. He knows what to watch out for.
Did you know that in the 18th century (in Great Britain), silver forks were in so high demand that counterfeiter cut out hallmarks from silver spoons for installing those hallmarks to silver forks? The idea was to take the hallmark from a silver spoon created from a very famous silversmith for installing it on a spoon made from an unknown craftsman. Our expert Brian is also familiar with faked silver and ready to evaluate your precious pieces.
Accepted Items in our Cash for Silver Facility
Actually, reDollar is know to accept any items made of gold, silver, platinum and palladium. Except hazardous or restricted merchandises, there is no limitation about the assets you can sell with us. Below, we provide you a list of very common silver articles arriving every day in our laboratory. It gives you an idea about what you can sell with us and about what to watch out at home.
Get Cash for Scrap Silver
Silver items which lost their ability to adorn or decorate can be classified as scrap silver. Or out of fashion jewelry or simply broken or mismatches silver jewelry can be seen as scrap silver. Scrap silver is easy to evaluate and very easy to sell. Our company is happy to receive your silver scrap guaranteeing you to get paid the best possible price.
We usually use X-ray fluorescence measurement and touchstone acid testing to assay your silver’s purity. Commercial sellers can request to melt-down their scrap silver to get paid even a higher price.
Get Cash for Silver Jewelry
Usually, pawn shops and silver buyers strive to get your possessions as cheap as possible to make a good living. Our company however strives to pay you as much as possible for your silver. It’s a different business philosophy we pursue. We see in thousands of very satisfied customers an army of people spreading the message of reDollar saying “there is no better place to sell assets” in the US.
Get your designer silver jewelry ready for selling: based on our ideology, we pay you as much as possible for designer silver jewelry. A Tiffany silver ring or a Georg Jensen silver bangle sells for MUCH MUCH more than just for the silver price.
Get Cash for Silver Coins & Bars
In general we need to differ between trade-able silver bullion coins/ bars, antique silver coins and scrap silver coins. For trade-able silver bullion coins, we pay almost the spot price (Sell .999 silver for $32.06 per ounce) but we pay also a high price for scrap silver coins (Sell .925 scrap silver for $26.56 per ounce).
Antique silver coins, limited edition silver coins or rare silver coins undergo a detailed evaluation process to offer you the highest possible price. We never ever offer only the silver price for those coins like many other buyers would do.
We accept coins from the US, Canada, Mexico and from all over the world.
Get Cash for Silver Cutlery & Silverware
Get your silver cutlery and your silverware ready to cash out with reDollar. We accept items like cutlery, vases, mugs, bowls, ladles, sieves, jars, boxes, sugar bowls, steins, plates, candle stands, candelabras, napkin rings, servers, tongs, trays, frames, tureens, saucers, salt and pepper pots, mirrors, figurines, decorative articles and much more.
Get Cash for Antique Silver
Talking antique silver is very interesting and evaluating even more. Besides high-tech equipment for an evaluation without damage to the specimen, tremendous knowledge is needed. reDollar knows about the importance of gaining knowledge in antique silver and for that reason we built our own library containing literature from all over the world making it possible to look for comparable objects.
Get Cash for Silver Watches
We definitely have a passion for watches and our head of experts for watches, Steve Redrich, is even crazy about watches what is in fact very good for you because he ensures to unveil all your watches secrets. It happens regularly that Steve is still in his lab next morning when our folks get back to work. He is very skilled with both American silver watches (like railroad pocket watches, civil war watches, military watches etc.) and also with any kind of European watches.
We are happy to accept wristwatches, pocket watches, rare watches, antique watches and even scrap silver watches or parts of your watch. And remember, reDollar is the best place for scrap metals and offering you the highest possible prices for watches considered for “melt-down”.