Sell Gold Nuggets Online

You can sell gold nuggets for very high prices with us. And we can pay even more for gold nuggets weighing more than 5 grams. Significantly more than just the gold value.

We offer a Shipping Kit designed to sell gold nuggets

reDollar Kit to Ship and Sell Gold Nuggets

    We can pay you for this gold nugget, weighing 5.26 grams $468.14. What is significantly more than just the scrap gold price.


    We can pay you for this tiny gold nugget, weighing 1.07 grams $95.23.

    Natural gold nuggets are naturally formed pieces of gold containing between 85% and 95% of pure gold. Gold nuggets can be found for examples in stream beads using gold pans, dredges or metal detectors. Gold nuggets are also called “Placer Gold Nuggets” because placer mining is gold mining in stream beds.

    Interesting Facts about Gold Nuggets

    Facts about Gold Nuggets
    Purity of Gold Nuggets20K to 22K = 83% to 92%
    Purity of Australian Nuggetsup to 23K and even more = 95%
    Biggest Gold Nugget"Welcome Stranger" weighing 72 kilograms, discovered in Australia in 1869
    Very rare Nuggetscrystalline gold nuggets (less than 0.5% of all nuggets) and nuggets with quartz inclusions
    Nuggets are Rareonly between 2% and 3% of all discovered gold appear as nuggets
    Gold Nugget vs. DiamondGold nuggets weighing more than one ounce are rarer than 5 carat weighing diamonds
    Artificial "Gold Nuggets"The industry supplies artificial "gold nuggets" so called granukes for goldsmiths or jewelers. Usually, this granules are available as 10K gold, 14K gold, 18K gold and 24K pure gold.

    Gold Nuggets from Australia

    22K to 23K natural placer gold nuggets from Australia

    Gold Nuggets from USA – Yukon

    Yukon mined natural placer gold nuggets

    Gold nuggets are valuable and perfect to sell. Our company is the best place if you need some cash or if you just like to get rid of your nuggets. Perhaps you inherited your gold nuggets from the grandparents? Perhaps you found the gold nuggets by yourself? Perhaps you bought them because you have seen too much Gold Rush on discovery channel? For whatever reason, sell your nuggets to our company and become another satisfied customer.

    How much money can you expect if selling gold nuggets with us?

    Well, it depends on the weight of your nuggets because the value of gold will be calculated by its weight and on basis of the current stock price. Nearly almost all circulating gold nuggets are small and of little weight. This gold nuggets are not rare and therefore they are treated like scrap gold. Gold nuggets of that size have to undergo the reDollar refining process. The value will be calculated by the weight and the nugget’s carat. Bigger nuggets are sought by collectors and can be treated as they are. You can also sell big gold nuggets with us. We offer more than just the current material value for your big gold nuggets. This natural gold nuggets are outstanding for their beauty. Melting them down would be irresponsible.

    I’d like to sell my gold nuggets now. How to proceed?

    Selling gold nuggets to our company is very simple and convenient. Get started online and tell use more about your nuggets. The first steps are done in less than 3 minutes. Finally, you have to ship your gold nuggets to our labs because is an online based company. We are able to offer the best prices for your nuggets because we don’t have countless branches and hundreds of employees all over the US. This fact let us safe a lot of money and this savings can be added to your payout calculations and makes our offers nearly unbeatable.

    Furthermore we are running a natural gold and stones department managed by a geologist. Our employees are used to any kind of natural gold. We separate your gold nuggets into different price groups. First group is priced and based by the current material value. The second price group contains gold nuggets that can be retailed. We can offer more money for the second type of nuggets. You will be very amazed how much we pay you.

    The Steps to sell natural gold nuggets

    1. Get started online telling us some basic information about you and your gold nuggets
    2. Ship your gold nuggets fully insured (up to $100,000)
    3. Agree to our offer we’ll send you to your email
    4. After your acceptance, we’ll pay you on the same day

    Shipping is fully insured thanks to High Value Service

    Ship Gold Nuggets with UPS ParcelPro High Value Service

    Agree and get paid immediately

    Natural Gold Nuggets & Granules on 100 US dollar bills

    Offer for local gold miners buys your mined gold. We can increase your earnings because we separate the nuggets with the collector’s value before your gold will be melted and analyzed. We don’t only pay you the gold value. And of course you get paid for the silver content too.

    Please check our information for commercial clients

    More Interesting Facts about Gold Nuggets

    Gold Nuggets vs. Silver Coins

    Value comparison between natural gold nuggets and silver Eagle coins

    Did you know that this small amount of gold nuggets reflects exactly the same value than 24.40 silver Eagle coins? It’s really true.

    Artificial “gold nuggets” – called granules

    24K gold granules - artificial gold nuggets

    Did you also know that artificial gold nuggets called “granules” are very important for the jewelry industry. Available as 10K gold, 14K gold, 18K gold and 24K pure gold, this granules are the base for most crafted jewelry.

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