Ready to liquidate some scrap gold? Who pays the most money for you gold scrap?

The Short Answer for “Who Pays The Most” pays the most money for scrap gold. We offer 90% of scrap gold’s current stock value while we also pay for shipping and insurance. Our top-rated company is recommended from appraisers and industry insiders as the best way to get the most money for scrap gold. Some even call us insane for paying so high prices what we see as a compliment. We do not only promise to pay the highest prices, we also make our current prices available to everyone on our website. You can calculate how much we pay, you can download a selling summary guaranteeing you to get paid the gold-quotes you locked and you’ll receive an order confirmation listing all items you plan to sell.

Our Current Scrap Gold Quotes

With 90%-paid for gold jewelry and even 95%-paid for gold bullion, pays the most money for scrap gold in the US. Check our price-table and compare the competition. You’ll hurry to come back to reDollar.

Sell/ GramSell/ Pennyweight
24K Gold$94.10$145.85
18K Gold$66.93$103.73
14K Gold$52.20$80.91
10K Gold$37.12$57.54

Who pays the most money for scrap gold? The long answer! is specialized in buying gold and other assets for the highest possible price promoting our slogan “Transparent & Beneficial Like a Bank” as we do work like a bank. Every single gram of gold and even the tiniest piece made of gold, is getting evaluated and credited to your total payout amount. Banks will collect every single cent out of your piggybank and so do we with your scrap gold. You can trust us blindly as we are NOT interested in making an extra buck on your gold. Our transparent prices make it very easy to follow and control our amount offered.

Our customers are sending gold from all over the US. Regular customer from Hawaii, Miami, Montana, Alaska, New York, Los Angeles, Texas and thousands of other places in the US are airlifting their gold to our lab because they know to get offered the highest possible price without fearing to get fooled. With 90%, we pay the most money for scrap gold – available for individuals. Only miners will get more than you.

Why can we pay the most money for scrap gold?

That’s a super exciting question and the answer is even more exciting. Two facts make that possible.

scrap gold and gold bar about to sell in shipping envelopeFirst, there is our equipment. Latest technology allows us to check your gold without making any buying mistakes. Our machines are able to determine your gold’s purity 100% precise, they make us “look” inside your jewelry to check for tungsten or other non-precious metals and they even allow us to detect heavily plated – on purpose faked – items. Using our equipment, means heaving ZERO buying risks. A local pawn shop or jeweler is not only offering less money than we do due to their greed. No, they also do it to be safe if it comes to buy faked-gold. Acquiring all the equipment needed for working on a no-risk base means investing 100K+ what is an inaccessible investment for most of them.

The second reason is our gold-resale option. Because we do trade big amounts of gold, we do get the best possible price on the gold market. While most gold-dealers are getting paid something between 95% and 98% for gold, we get paid almost 100% for the gold we handle.

And now, get the most money for scrap gold!

Selling with our company is super easy and as an online gold buyer, we know exactly what matters most: getting paid the highest possible price but offering the most secure and convenient way of selling is the key to get sellers engaged. Our customer service is second to non and Top-Rated on Trustpilot. We ensure that you can follow every step of the selling transaction what makes you understand how we work, how we insure and how we came to the amount offered. For those folks, with gold-knowledge, using our gold calculator is highly recommended as you can calculate your payout-quote. You can also freeze the quote calculated what ensure you to get paid exactly what you expect no matter what the gold price is doing on the stock market.

Please Read Our Reviews!

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Source: reDollar Trustpilot Reviews

All items made of gold accepted

There are some people with tremendous knowledge about gold what is great for selling with us. But for all other people, selling is as easy as we do the work for you. For you, it’s just important to know that we accept any items made of gold. Just a single ring is as welcomed as a whole gold coin collection. Please also see our information about Items We Accept as it provides you a brief overview.

Items Accepted: gold jewelry, designer jewelry, dental gold, gold watches, scrap gold, gold medals, gold rounds, gold bars, gold nuggets, pocket watches and much more.

scrap gold coin pendants in a sterling silver cup

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