Sell Grandma’s Silver

Grandma and grandpa left something really amazing and valuable for you – their old silver. Those silver items are usually worth a nice amount of money and just perfect to sell. Most items are old-fashioned and also because silver needs a polish-job every other month, most people decide to sell grandma’s silver. Times where silver was modern, fancy and worth to display are unfortunately over. People now focus more on contemporary art or modern gadgets for their houses or apartments.

But the good new is that silver reflects a nice amount of money. Only 3 pounds of grandma’s old sterling silver is worth a decent $1413.55 and perfect spending money.

We buy all your grandma’s silver

We buy just some silver spoons (Article: Sell Silver Spoons) as well as drawers filled up with old silver. We buy American sterling silver but also European silver, Asian silver or Russian silver. Our technologies make it possible that we evaluate silver from all over the world extremely precise getting you the best possible silver deal for grandma’s silver.

Current Silver Quotes

1 troy ounce .925 silver sells for $28.35
1 pound .925 silver sells for $413.55
1 kilo .925 silver sells for $911.73

Sell Grandma’s Silver Online

We did our best to make it as easy as possible to sell grandma’s silver to our company. Countless customers from all over the United States like our installed selling process and how easy and fast the money is coming. We invite you today to sell silver with us and we pledge to offer you the best possible deal. And please remember, reDollar is almost unbeatable when it comes to turn precious metals into money.

sell grandma's silver with UPS shipping

How Much is Granny’s Silver Worth?

Most old silver change hands for the current silver price. We estimate that 9 out of 10 pieces are worth the current silver price but there is still a good chance to find an interesting silver piece in your grandma’s silver lot. reDollar is the perfect partner for selling this stuff because we go trough all your old silver. Our experts sort everything and after sorting our team comes together to search for silver reflecting a collector’s value. If we find valuable pieces we first let you know and second we pay you proper for our find.

Heavy Silver Tray

silver tray made of sterling silver

Sell for $2461.68

Silver Stand

fruit stand made of sterling silver

Sell for $1499.80

Large Silver Basket

silver basket made of sterling silver

Sell for $1600.09

Grandma’s Silver Watch Collection

Silver watches can be worth much more than the current silver price. Let evaluate your silver watches and let us make you a great offer.

silver pocket watches and wristwatch

Grandpa’s Coin Collection

It’s not a secret that grandpas used to collect silver coins. identifies the value of your silver coin collection and makes you a great purchase offer.

American silver eagle coins

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