How much can I get for a 10K gold ring at a pawn shop?
Maria, reDollar expert answered
For the frequently asked question “How much can I get for a 10K gold ring at a pawn shop?” is it actually necessary to provide you two answers because there is the price IF YOU SELL and the price IF YOU PAWN your gold ring. And there is a difference. But before we go in detail, let’s clarify the difference between selling and pawning. We know that many people know the difference between selling and pawning but many people also don’t know the term pawn.
Sell at the pawn shop
Selling means that you SELL something like a gold ring to a pawn shop. You are not the legal owner of the ring anymore. You do NOT have the right to get the ring back after you agreed to the selling-deal.
Pawn at the pawn shop
Pawning means simply that you use an item like your gold ring to secure a short-term loan. You remain as the legal owner of the ring and you have the right to get back your ring anytime as long as you pay for the fees.
And now, how much can you get for a 10K gold ring at a pawn shop?
The answer is probably more complex than you may think. It depends extremely on where you go and the offered prices may vary significantly. We from investigated the price-philosophy of pawn shops and the bad news for you is that the average pawn shop don’t pay proper for your gold ring. Yes, there are some really reliable buyers but they are very hard to find and rare. Most pawn shops only offer between 40% and 60% of your gold ring’s value but that is too less money.
Average Pawn Shop
Pays between 40% and 60% of a ring’s value.
We pay between 80% and 95% of a ring’s value.
How much can you get for a 10K gold ring at a pawn shop?
To give you an idea of how much you can get paid for a 10K gold ring at a pawn shop, we listed some examples for you comparing the average offer with reDollar. Usually, beats the competition easily because we have a “we offer the highest possible price” philosophy what makes it very beneficial for you to deal with us.
10K Gemstone Gold Ring
Average Pawn Shop
$143.99 to $215.99
10K White Gold Ring
Average Pawn Shop
$117.53 to $176.30
10K Men’s Gold Ring
Average Pawn Shop
$227.28 to $340.92
10K NBA Gold Ring
Average Pawn Shop
$169.68 to $254.52
10K Cameo Gold Ring
Average Pawn Shop
$81.73 to $122.59
10K Rose Gold Ring
Average Pawn Shop
$105.08 to $157.62
Now, it’s time to sell your rings for a great price 🙂
Questions about your 10K gold ring?
Feel free to send us your question and we’ll answer promptly.
Maria is reDollar’s head of jewelry and she is looking forward to determine the value of your 10K gold ring. She promises to serve you with best advice while providing you the highest possible offer.